The death of my cryptomeria (Japanese cedar) bonsai
I had such high hopes for my little Japanese cedar when I picked it up this spring, but it looks like I pruned it too hard, too fast. March: repot and pruning »
I had such high hopes for my little Japanese cedar when I picked it up this spring, but it looks like I pruned it too hard, too fast. March: repot and pruning »
Since moving into our house last fall, we haven't had room to use our IKEA storage shelves, so they've been taking up room under our back porch. I finally got around to »
This weekend I finally got started on creating my own bonsai from plain old shrubs from Home Depot. It was pretty involved, since I sifted and mixed my own bonsai soil, built »
This past weekend I attended a beginner bonsai workshop at Plant City Bonsai, and had great experience. Plant City Bonsai is about an hour north of Atlanta in Clermont, GA, and it's »