Securing a Rails API with Devise
I'm currently working on a whisky tasting and bottle inventory application, and have gotten to the point where I need to add some user security. I decided to try Devise, even though »
I'm currently working on a whisky tasting and bottle inventory application, and have gotten to the point where I need to add some user security. I decided to try Devise, even though »
I've been working more with Ruby lately, and wanted to implement a Ruby real-time messaging project like the one in my previous post. I decided on Faye, because its features seemed to »
Last week I started working on a method to send a real-time message to a web browser to trigger an update with user data. The scenario I worked on goes like this: »
Last spring, I got way too ambitious, and built one 4'x10' and two 4'x4' garden beds. It was our first spring living somewhere with a yard (even though we were renting), and »
This weekend I finally got started on creating my own bonsai from plain old shrubs from Home Depot. It was pretty involved, since I sifted and mixed my own bonsai soil, built »